Mount Angel Abbey

The coffee house and bookstore bustle with gentle motion. The aromas are coffee and port. This is not your common coffee house…

I walk to the counter expecting my order to be a medium latte. Instead, I’m greeted with offerings that I cannot pronounce, (yet). There are cocktail coffees made with Monk made Port. There are teas seasoned with the spirits of the vine, oh my!

Sweets made from other Monks or Nuns, held under glass domes seek my attention.

I ask the young woman barista what her favorite is. She says something that sounds like, “Anchorite”. I ask her to make this for me, “Please.”

The dark liquid arrives at the self serve counter. It’s dashed with a sprig of Rosemary. The first sip has me wondering how long I’ll need before I should drive!

Jesus has asked my life to shift or expand in a direction I have not anticipated. All that I knew to be my daily norm, is now another reality. I’m observant and attentive to HIS plan and the part I have upon me to accomplish HIS will.

So raise the glass, and sip the blessings. Life takes new roads and unexpected turns. But it is the life in Jesus that is Forever straight and True.

May your day be blessed knowing HIS work in you is ever present.

Thanks for reading.


I’ve left these tiny scrolls for you!

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